Where is it : Piazza Sant’Eulalia
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This church is consecrated to Saint Eulalia Martyr, who protects the city of Barcelona.

The church was built around 1300, during the Aragonese dominion on Cagliari.

The church went through many changes in the following centuries.

The church has only one room, with three ceilings in the shape of stars.

On the facade above the gate there is a beautiful rose window.

Chiesa di Sant’Eulalia

Archaeological area

Where is it : Vico del Collegio 2
Accessible Open

A well was uncovered during the restoration of the church of St. Eulalia around 1990.

While digging the well, remains of the roman era of Cagliari emerged.

Among the findings: a street paved with stones, a colonnade, a water tank and ruins of houses.

Area archeologica di Sant’Eulalia


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