Where is it : Piazza San Giacomo
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The church was built around the year 1400, which is written on the headstone encased in the tower bell.

The church has only one room with a ceiling in the shape of a barrel and five chapels on each side.

In the first chapel on the left there is a Mourning on the dead Christ.

The colored terracotta Mourning was made in 1400.

The ceiling in the altar area has the shape of a star.

The facade was modified in 1800.

The tower bell was built around the same time as the church.

Chiesa di San Giacomo

Oratory of the Souls

The Oratory of the Souls in Purgatory was built at the end of 1600, near to the Church of Saint Giacomo

This small church has only one room and its ceiling has the shape of a barrel.

The altar is decorated with marbles in different colors.

Oratorio delle Anime

Oratory of the Most Holy Crucifix

The Oratory was built in mid-1600 and is the seat of the Confraternity of the Holy Christ.

The Confraternity is a group of very religious individuals.

The church has only one room and its ceiling has the shape of a barrel.

The altar is golden wood.

Inside the church are seven wooden statues of The Mysteries.

These statues were sculpted by the Sardinian artist Antonio Lonis in the 1700s.

The statues are taken in procession during Holy Week.

Oratorio Santissimo Crocifisso

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